Modelling and Data Division

This division focuses on the development of data structures and mathematical models that provide better understanding of complex processes and systems associated with the water and sanitation sector.


Data Acquisition for the Water and Sanitation Sector

  • Advancement and improvement of efficient data generation collection techniques/ processes.
  • The establishment of a centralised virtual network for water and sanitation data across the various universities and research institutes in Southern Africa, and promotion of means by which this virtual network would enable water systems analysis.
  • Connecting data to models of water systems that support holistic management strategies.



  • Addressing and promoting modelling, simulationand systems analysis for managing and improving the quality of the aquatic environment. This includes the development and application of  models and modelling tools, such as optimisation time-series analysis and forecasting, computational procedures for decision analysis and support, and uncertainty analysis.
  • Promoting transfer of knowledge between academia, industry, authorities, and decision makers across different areas within the water cycle, through maintaining a support base and an electronic forum for the sharing of ideas and discussion of inter-disciplinary issues.
  • The development and promotion of systematic procedures for integrated assessment of water and resource recovery.
  • To support a transition from wastewater treatment to resource recovery in the African context.
  • To coordinate education and training in modelling and data analytics for the water and sanitation sector.


Lead: Chris Brouckaert

Email: for more information.