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All Categories 0 ABR acceptance Access to water services Acid Effluent Acid mine drainage Acid mine drainage (AMD) Acid mine water Acid rock drainage Acid Water Act Activated Carbon Activated Sludge Activated sludge; filamentous bacteria; epiphytic bacteria; TEM; SEM; EPS layer adaptation Advance oxidation processes (AOP) aeration blower Aeration technology Aerobic granular sludge Aerobic Separator Agriculture Air Flotation Algal Algal Counting Algal Growth Algal Pond Algicides alien aquatic weeds Alien Clearing Alien Vegetation Alignment allocation Aluminium AMD Ammonia Removal ammonium nitrate ammonium removal Amyloid proteins Anaerobic Anaerobic Digester anaerobic digestion Anaerobic Fluidised Granular Bed (AFGB) reactor. Anaerobic Treatment Anaerobic|Research and Development analysis Anammox and cooperation. Androgenic anti-fouling Antibiogram profiling Antifungal resistance AOPs Aquatic aquatic ecosystem Aquatic Ecosystems Aquifer Aquifer|Stormwater area-head-slope Ash Ash Disposal Asset Management Asset register assets Audit Bacillus sp. AEMREG; MBF-UFH; Biodegradable; Glycoprotein; Flocculating activity; Thermostable Bacteria Bacteria Reduction Bactrim Banana barium carbonate barium sulphate Base metals Batch Process Bell Bellilinea caldifistulae Benchmarking beneficiation Bio-hydrogen Bio-remediation products Bioassay Bioassessment Biochar biocontrol Biodiesel Biofilm Reactor Biofilter Biofiltration biogas biogas; decentralized energy recovery; simplified sewer systems; Zambia Biological Biological Activity Biological Degradation Biological Denitrification Biological Filters Biological reactors biological sulphate reduction (BSR) Biological Uptake Biological wastewater treatment; knowledge hub; wastewater microbiology Biomass biomimicry Biomonitoring biopanning bioreformation Bioremediation Biosorbent Biosorption Biosure Biotech Biotoxicity blend Blue-Green Algae BNR system Borehole Boreholes Bottled Water break pressure tank Breede-Gouritz Brewery wastewater Brine bulk water Bulk Water Supply Bulking butyric acid Calcium Carbonate Calcium Sulphate Calcium sulphide Capacity Building Capacity development capital cost Capital Development Carbon carbon dioxide carbon footprint carbon sources Carbonaceous Materials career pathways. Case Study CastAway-CTD cat-ion resin Catchment Catchment Management Catchment Management Agencies Catchment Management|Innovation Catchment Management|Water Resource Management CCPP CFD CFD modelling ; Fluent; clarifier design and optimisation challenge challenges charcoal charges Chemical chemical desalination Chemical Dosing Chemical oxygen demand Chemicals Chitosan Beads Chlorimination Chlorination Chlorine chlorine dioxide Chlorophyll-a Cholera chromatograghy Chromium citizen science citizen-based monitoring Cleaner Production Climate Climate Change Climate Change|Sanitation|Water Safety Climate Change|Water Management clogging co-design co-disinfectants Co-ordination Coaching Coagulation Coastal Marine COD COD fractionation Coliforms Colilert Coliphages collaborative interventions Communication Community community ablution block Community Participation community upliftment Community|Sanitation Community|Sanitation|Drinking Water complex indicators Compliance. Compost concrete aggression Connectivity constructed wetlands Consumer Education Consumer Education|Water Resource Management Consumer Water Use contaminants Contamination Contamination|Bacterial Contamination|Purification|Chemical Contracts Cooling Tower Cooling Towers Cooling Water Circuits Cooperative Governance Corporate; local communities; citizen science; river health; phone App; water resource management Corrosion Corrosive Water Cost cost management cost recovery Costing criteria crude glycerol Cryptosporidium CSTR Cumulative Logit Model. Customer Service cyanobacteria Cytotoxic DAFF Dam Management Dam Raising Data Data Handling Data Integration Data Validation Data Verification Database decentralized Decision Making Deep Methodology Deflouridation Defluorination Degradation degradation processes Degrading Packed Bed Reactor (DPBR) Demand Demand Management Demineralisation demineralizers Denitrification Desalination desalination; water reuse; water resource planning; sustainable water Design Design And Operation Determination Effect Development Development And Design Dewatering DEWATS DEWATS effluent Digester Digestion Discharge Standards disinfectant residual Disinfection disinfection by-products Disposal Disposal Sites Distribution distribution system distribution systems documentation domestic Domestic Consumer Domestic rainwater harvesting Domestic Refuse Domestic Use Domestic Wastewater Domestic Water Domestic Water Use Dosing double-casting Drinking Water Drinking water disinfection Drinking Water Quality drinking water quality monitoring Drinking water stabilisation Drinking Water Supply drinking water treatment Drought drug Dye Dye Removal Dysentery E-coli E-coli|Pathogens ecological Ecological degradation Ecology economics Economy Ecosystem Ecotoxicology EDC Education Education And Training Efficiency Effluent Effluent Treatment Effluents EIA Eikelboom Type 0092 Electrical conductivity (EC) electricity Electricity Generation Electrode Material elemental sulphur. emergency Emergency Sanitation; Faecal Sludge; Excreta; Lactic Acid; Lactic Acid Bacteria emerging contaminants enegry Energy Energy & Water energy efficiency energy use energy utilization. energy-efficient Enforcement Engineering engineering analysis Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Environment Environment Assessment Environment Tool Environmental Environmental Challenges Environmental Impact Environmental protection Environment|Surface Water Enzymes ERT Escherichia coli Escherichia coli; Yakult Estrogenic ethekwini Ethics ettringite Eutophication Eutrophic Water Eutrophication Eutrophication|Dam Management Evaluation evaporation Excel Extended period simulation facultative anaerobic culture facultative ponds Faecal faecal sludge Faecal|Research and Development|Sanitation Faecal|Sanitation|Waste Management farm Fat fault FAVAD Equation fecal sludge Ferric sulphate fertilizer Filamentous Bacteria Filter filter air binding Filter Backwash filter run length Filters Filtration Finance fine bubble diffuser Finite Element Analysis Fish Flocculant Flocculate Flocculation Flocculator Fluorescence Fluoridation Fluoride Fluoroquinolones Flux Theory FOG forest restoration. framework Franchising Free Basic Water free software freeze desalination Fresh Water freshwater Freshwater ecosystems Freshwater Invertebrates Freshwater Resources Funding fungal Fungal Biomass Fungi Fungus Galvanized steel Gauteng GCxGC-TOF Genetic maker. genetic transformation Geographical Information System Geosmin Giardia GIS global monitoring Gonad Development Governance Governance and Ethics Governance and Ethics|Agriculture|Regulation and Compliance Governance and Ethics|Modelling and Data Governance and Ethics|Regulation and Compliance Governance and Ethics|Wastewater|Water Management Government Government Policy Gravity Filter Grease Green Drop Green Infrastructure (GI) green technology green water grey water Greywater Greywater Use Ground Water Groundwater Groundwater|Pit Latrines|Contamination Guideline GW-SW interaction gypsum crystallization Haloacetonitriles Halogens Hartbeespoort dam harvested rainwater head loss developments. Health health and hygiene education Health related aspects Heat Exchangers Heavy Metals Heterotrophic Bacteria High rate algal ponds highways Historical data HIV HIV Impact holistic approach Household Water Treatment Human faecal waste Human Resources Hybrid constructed wetlands hybrid water treatment Hybridice Hydraulic Flocculators hydraulic modelling Hydraulics Hydrocarbons Hydrodynamic hydrodynamic model hydrogen sulphide hydrograph separation. Hydrology hydrometry Hydrophobic biomaterial; 2-nitrophenol; Adsorption Hydropower hyperbranched polyethyleneimine Identification implementation in daily practice incentive-based regulation Income Generation Indigenous Practices Industrial Industrial Effluent Industrial Water Industry Informal Settlements Information Information System Infrastructure Infrastructure|Sanitation Inkomati Inkomati-Usuthu Innnovation|Climate Change Innovation Innovations Innovation|Anaerobic|Sewage Innovation|Efficiency Innovation|Irrigation|Agriculture Innovation|Modelling and Data Innovation|Modelling and Data|Infrastructure Innovation|Training and Capacity Building innovative design philosophy Inorganic Inorganic coagulant Institutional Integrated Urban Water Management Integrated Water Management Integrated Water Quality Management Integrated Water Resource Management Integrated Water Resources Management interaction energy Intermittent Supply; System Stabilisation; Advanced PRV controllers; Burst Frequency. ion Ion Exchange iron iron(II) Irrigation ISO IWRM Job Creation Jukskei River kinetics knowledge sharing KwaZulu-Natal Laboratory Landfill Landfill Leachate Landfills Leachate Lead leakage leakage exponent Leakage Reduction Leaks legacy data Legionella legislation lesson lesson learned Lessons Learnt Licensing life cycle life cycle costing Lime limestone livelihoods Local Authorities Low income Maggots magnetite. Maintenance Management manuals. MAP Marine Marine Algae Marine Water Quality master planning MBR aeration MCDA MDG Membrane Membrane bioreactor; Wastewater; Faecal Coliform removal; Reuse Membranes Menstrual Management Products Mercury metal ions Metals Metering methanogenic Archaea Micro Filtration microalgae Microbial microbial contamination Microbial water quality Microbiological microbiological contamination microbiological organisms Microbiological Testing Microfilter Microfiltration micropollutant removal micropollutants mill effluent Millennium Development Goals Mine Mine Water mine water management Mining Mining|Research and Development Mining|Water Management miniSASS; macroinvertebrates; citizen science; river health; phone App; Android; water resource management mobile application mobile package plants Mobile Phone Model Modelling modelling and data Modelling and Data|Innovation Modelling and Data|Management|Wastewater Modelling and Data|Municipal|Wastewater Modelling and Data|Research and Development Modelling and Data|Sediment Modelling and Data|Wastewater Modelling and Data|Water Quality|Wastewater Models Molasses molecular size distribution Monitoring monitoring costs monitoring networks Monitoring Programme Monitoring|Innovation|Drought Monitoring|Modelling and Data|Water Management Monitoring|Modelling and Data|Water Quality Monitoring|Wastewater monochloramine monthly precipitation multiple sources. multiple-use services multiplier multivariate analysis. Municipal Municipal sewage Municipal Wastewater Municipal Water Municipality Municipal|Monitoring|Consumer Education Municipal|Non-revenue Municipal|Service Delivery|Water Services Municipal|Tariffs and Revenue Municipal|Water Management Mycrocystis nanofiltration Nanoparticle Nanoparticles Nanosponges nanotechnology National Water Act Natural Organic Matter Natural Organic Matter Removal NCWSTI Nereda® neutralization nickel nigeria Nitrate Removal Nitrification Nitrogen nitrogen removal Nitrogen-palladium-co-doped TiO2 Non Domestic Water Non-domestic Water Use Non-revenue Water North West Nutrient Nutrient leaching Nutrient Management Nutrient Removal Nutrients O&M Odour Modelling Odour Reduction Odour Treatment Oil Oil Effluent Operating conditions Operating rule Operation Operation & Maintenance Operation And Maintenance Operation And Management Operational Assessment Operations And Maintenance Opportunistic yeast infections optimal control Optimisation Organic Organic Acids Organic Carbon Organic Chemical Compounds Organic Contaminants Organic Matter Organic Waste Outfalls over-expression Oxidation Oxidation And Disinfection Oxidation Ponds Oxygenation Ozone package water treatment plants Paint Paper Parasites passivation passive treatment Pathogens Pathogens|Wastewater|Faecal PBDEs PCR Peclet number Peer Groups Performance permeability Permeable pavement Pesticides Petro System PFMA PGMs Phaeophytin Phanerochaete Chrysosporium pharmaceuticals Phenol Levels Phosphate Removal Phosphates Removal Phosphorus Cycling Phosphorus Recovery Phostrip photo-catalysis photofermentation pico plankton pilot plant pilot-scale reactor Pinch Technology Pipe Pipe networks Pipeline Pipeline assessment Pipes Pit Latrine Pit Latrines Planning plans Plant Plant Performance platinum Plumbing Policy Pollutants Pollution Pollution Control Pollution|Regulation and Compliance|Water Quality Polyaluminum Chloride polyamine polychlorinated biphenyls Polyelectrolyte polyethersulfone polymeric coagulants Polymers post 2015 targets Potable Potable Water poultry power consumption PPP pre treatment Pressure Pressure Management Pressure Vessel Regulation Pricing Pricing Model priority water use Private Private Sector Privatisation Problem Solving process control Process Controllers Process controllers training Process controllers training, waste water treatment Process Modelling Project Management Projects public health risk Public Participation Public private partnerships Public sector Pulp pulp and paper Purification PVC pyrolysis Pyrolysis temperature pyrrhotite qualification articulation Qualitative methods Quality Quality Control Quality Management Quantitative methods QuEChERS Radioactive Cesium Rain Rain Water Rain Water Harvesting Rainfall rainfall data rainfall intensity rainwater harvesting Rand Water rapid sand filters Raw Water Reactive dyes Real-Time Monitoring Reclamation Reed Bed Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant; Regional scheme; institutional arrangements; Western Highveld; bulk water supply Regional Water Supply Regulation Regulation and Compliance Regulation and Compliance|Irrigation Regulation and Compliance|Monitoring Regulation and Compliance|Research and Development Regulation and Compliance|Sewage|Wastewater Regulations regulatory independence regulatory information Rehabilitation Remediation remote sensing Research Research & Technology Research and Development Research and Development|Efficiency|Water Management Research and Development|Innovation Research and Development|Innovation|Monitoring Research and Development|Modelling and Data Research and Development|Pipes Research and Development|Wastewater Research and Development|Wastewater|Faecal Research and Development|Water Quality Reservoir Residential estates; Gated communities; housing developments; Golf Estates residential water resilience Resource Management resource recovery restrictions. retention time Reticulation Reuse Revenue Enhancement Reverse Osmosis Riparian Restoration Risk Risk Assessment Risk Management risk-based analysis River River Basins River Diversion River Systems river water road construction root exudate running cost. Rural rural communities rural development Rural Drinking Water Rural Sanitation Rural Water Rural Water Supply sachet water Safety Salinity Salmonella Salt Generation Sample Scheduling Sampling Sand Aquifer Sanitation Sanitation Delivery sanitation selection Sanitation|Economy Sanitation|Faecal Sanitation|Industrial Sanitation|Infrastructure|Community Sanitation|Innovation Sanitation|Municipal Sanitation|Regulation and Compliance Sanitation|Service Delivery Sanitation|Water management| Community SANS 241 savings Screening Scum Sea Discharges Sea water d esalination seasonal Seasonal variation Seawater Sediment Sediment Tank sedimentation Seepage Water Selenium septic tank; on-site wastewater; greenhouse gas; energy; water saving sequencing batch reactor Service Service Delivery Services Services Provider Servitude Sewage Sewage Effluent Sewage Plants sewage water Sewage Works Sewer sewer rising Sewer System Silver sink-float process Skills Skills Development Skills development strategy Skills Gap Skoonspruit River catchment sleeve valve Slow Sand Filtration Sludge Sludge treatment Small Small Water Systems Small Water Treatment Plant Small Water Works smallholder farmers Social Development social housing Socio-hydrology soft skills softners soil erosion Soil Water Balance Solar Solid Waste Solvent Extraction source South Africa Southern Africa spatial interpolation Spatial-temporal assessment spectrometry Spirulina Stabilization Ponds stainless steel Stakeholder involvement Star Polyurethanes State Of Rivers statistical statistical models Steady State Steel Storage storage tank Storm Water Stormwater stormwater harvesting stormwater runoff Strategic Strategic Planning Strategy Stratification structural analysis struvite study SUDS sulfate removal Sulphate Sulphate Reducing Bacteria sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB). sulphate reduction Sulphate Removal Sulphates sulphide oxidation Supersaturated dissolved oxygen (SDOX) delivery unit Supply Supply And Sanitation Surface Surface Water Surveillance sustainability Sustainable sustainable development goals Sustainable Drainage Systems Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) sustainable food production Sustainable Operation Sustainable Service Delivery Sustainable Water Sustainable Water Service synthetic media system closure tailings tailings dam talent framework talent pool Tankers Tanks Tariff Tariff Formula Tariffs Tariffs and Revenue Tariffs and Revenue|Water Use TB technical skills Telemetry Tender Testing Textile Textile Effluent thermophilic digestion thin film composite titanium dioxide nanoparticles toilet Tool Toolkit total dissolved gasses Toxic Toxicity Toxins Trace Metals tracer Trade Effluent Monitoring Training Training and Capacity Building transboundary water transition metals transport Treated effluent; tariffs Treatment Treatment chemicals treatment efficacy. Treatment Plant Treatment Plants Treatment Works Trickle Bed Reactor trickling filter Trickling Filters Tritium Tsunami Relief TT16/84 Tubular Pressure Filtration tunnelling Turbidity TVET Colleges Type 021N U(VI) reduction mechanism Ultra-filtration ultrafiltration Ultrasound Umbilo uncertainty estimates Uranium uranium containing waste uranium recovery Urban water Urinary trichloroacetic acid (TCCA) Urine urine collection Urine Diversion Urine Diversion toilet use USP Utility UV UV Irradiation UV254 Vaal Vaal Dam Vaal River value Vandalism VBA. vegetables Vibrio fischeri virus Waste Waste Discharge Waste Disposal Waste Management Waste Production waste regulations Waste Stabilisation Ponds waste treatment sludge Waste Water Effluents waste water treatment Waster Minimisation Wastewaster Wastewater wastewater biorefineries; ɣ-polyglutamic acid; moving bed biofilm reactor; rotating biological contactor; aerobic granular sludge. Wastewater connect Wastewater Irrigation Wastewater Management wastewater plant design Wastewater Quality wastewater reclamation wastewater reuse Wastewater Solids Wastewater Treatment wastewater treatment works Wastewater|Bacteria Wastewater|Faecal|Waste Management Wastewater|Municipal Wastewater|Municipal|Management Wastewater|Municipal|Purification Wastewater|Municipal|Water Treatment Wastewater|Regulation and Compliance Wastewater|Regulation and Compliance|Governance and Ethics Wastewater|Research and Development Wastewater|Research and Development|Modelling and Data Wastewater|Risk Management Wastewater|Water Quality Wastewater|Water Reuse Wastewater|Water Treat Wastewater|Water Treatment Wastewater|Water Treatment|Water Reuse Water Water accounting framework. water allocation Water and sanitation Water and sanitation backlogs Water Authorities water board water bodies Water Care Water Conservation Water Conservation / Water Demand Management (WC/WDM) Water conservation and water demand management Water Consumption water crisis Water Delivery Water Demand Water Demand Management Water Distribution Water Efficiency Water Fern Azolla Water Footprint Water Hardness Water Law Water Legislation Water Loss Water Management Water Mapping Water Meter water network modeling Water Networks water offsetting Water Policy Water Pollution Control Water Poverty Water Production water professionals Water Quality water quality guidelines Water Quality Index water quality management Water Quality Management System water quality monitoring water quality monitoring programme water quality risks water quality stakeholder communication Water Quality Testing Water Quality|Consumer Education Water Quality|Drinking Water Water Quality|Mining Water Quality|Regulation and Compliance|Risk Management Water Quality|River Water Reclamation water recovery Water Recycle Water Recycling Water Research Water Resource Water Resource Management Water Resource Management|Innovation Water Resource Management|Wastewater Water Resource Planning Water Resource Strategy Water Resources Water Reticulation Water Reticulation Systems water reuse Water Rights Water Safety Water Safety Plan Water Safety|Water Reuse water saving Water savings Water Scarcity water sensitive design Water Sensitive Design (WSD) Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Water Service Water Services Water Services Act Water Services Authorities Water services delivery Water Services Institutions Water Shortage Water Shortages water stewardship Water Storage Water Supply Water Supply And Sanitation Water Supply Systems Water Supply|Water Resource Management|Catchment Management Water Supply|Water Treatment|Wastewater water system Water Systems Water Tariffs water testing Water Treatment water treatment plant water treatment residuals Water Treatment|Water Quality Water Use Water use and management water use behaviour Water Use License water user Water Utilities Water Utility Water Works Water Youth Network waterborne pathogens Waterworks Wells Western Cape wetland Wetlands Wilge River Wine Production Witbank Coalfields working for water WRC WSA WTR Yeasts Young Water Professionals Zeolite Zeolites Zero Liquid Discharge zinc carbonates and hydroxides
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