Asset Management: 5-year plan for infrastructure asset replacement Budgeting: Example of a 5-year plan for infrastructure asset replacement This content is only available to members.
Asset Management: Asset register form Registry: Example of an asset register form This content is only available to members.
Asset Management: Basic information required to register an asset Registry: Basic information required to register an asset This content is only available to members.
Asset Management: Budget bid for a library Budgeting: Example of a budget bid for a library This content is only available to members.
Asset Management: Checklist for assessing the life span, value and depreciation of an asset Checklist for assessing the life span, value and depreciation of an asset This content is only available to members.
Asset Management: Checklist for assessing the use and condition of an asset Checklist for assessing the uses and conditions of assets This content is only available to members.
Asset Management: Checklist for assessing the use and condition of an asset Checklist for assessing the uses and conditions of assets. This content is only available to members.
Asset Management: Checklist for creating a maintenance plan for each asset Checklist for creating a maintenance plan for each asset This content is only available to members.
Asset Management: Creating an asset register Registry: Listing and sorting assets into types This content is only available to members.